版本号:4.1.3 2025-01-24 更新
各类数独的题目/答案/逐步讲解,可拍照录入。支持四宫、六宫、八宫、九宫、十二宫、十六宫、锯齿数独、杀手数独、肯肯数独、武士数独、鲜花数独、风车数独、合体数独、蝴蝶数独、十字数独、双叠数独、三叠数独、僧兵数独、奇偶数独、数比数独、连续数独、不连续数独、无缘数独、无马数独、3D数独、天平数独、对角线数独、百分比数独、窗口数独、星形数独、烛台数独、中心数独、同位数独等。还有技巧教程和丰富的在线题库哦~---------------秒杀模式:直接给出题目的答案;辅助模式:解题过程逐步讲解(同一步骤可切换多种解法)---------------标准数独规则:将1~9填入9x9的盘面中,使每行、每列、每个粗线宫(3x3)内均不重复。对角线数独(X数独):在标准数独规则的基础上,两条大对角线的数字也不重复。百分比数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,一条大对角线和额外的两个3x3区域数字也不重复。窗口数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,额外的四个3x3区域数字也不重复。武士数独:由5个9x9标准数独叠加而成,分别为4个角和中心位置。将1~9填入,使5个区域均能满足标准数独的要求。杀手数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,额外增加了虚线所示的杀手笼,虚线上的数字表示该区域宫格的数字之和,虚线内的数字不能重复。肯肯数独(聪明格、算独):由NxN宫格组成,并用粗线划分了多个组。将1~N填入,使每行、每列的数字均不重复。此外,每组左上方的数字和运算符号(+-×÷)表示该组内数字通过该运算得出的答案。无运算符号则表示该组可用上述任一运算符。锯齿数独:由多个不规则的凹凸的宫组成,将1~9填入9x9的盘面中,使每行、每列、每个不规则的宫内均不重复。奇偶数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,增加了圆形和方形。带圆形的宫格必须是奇数,带方形的宫格必须是偶数。数比数独(不等号数独):在标准数独规则的基础上,增加了大于符号,数字之间必须满足相应的大小关系。连续数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,增加了宫格间的挡板,挡板两侧宫格的数字相差为1,无挡板的两个宫格的数字相差一定不为1。不连续数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,要求相邻两个宫格的数字相差不为1。无缘数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,要求每个数字与相邻的8个宫格均不能相同。无马数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,要求每一格与其前进2拐1格(马走日)的数值不相同。天平数独:在标准数独规则的基础上,增加了图中红色的天平,天平两侧的数字之和应该相等。3D数独:由27个3x3的粗线宫立体堆叠而成,并有红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫6种颜色的线贯穿。将1~9填入,使每个粗线宫(3x3)、各条彩线上的9个宫格均不重复。Various types sudoku puzzles, answers, step-by-step explanations, allow take photo to input.It supports 4/6/8/9/12/16 grid sudoku, jigsaw sudoku, killer sudoku, kendoku, samurai sudoku, flower sudoku, windmill sudoku, gattai sudoku, butterfly sudoku, cross sudoku, twodoku, triple doku, sohei sudoku, odd/even sudoku, compdoku, consecutive sudoku, non-consecutive sudoku, touchless sudoku, anti-knight sudoku, 3D sudoku, balanced sudoku, diagonal sudoku, percent sudoku, window sudoku, asterisk sudoku, girandola sudoku, center dot sudoku, offset sudoku, etc.There are also technique tutorials and a rich online sudoku store.---------------K.O. mode: Provide the solution directly.Help mode: Provide step-by-step explanations.---------------Sudoku Rules: Fill in the 9x9 grid with numbers 1~9 such that each row, column, and 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.Diagonal Sudoku (X Sudoku): Adds to standard rules by requiring uniqueness of digits in two major diagonals.Windoku: Adds to standard rules by requiring uniqueness of digits in four extra 3x3 regions.Samurai Sudoku: Formed by overlaying five 9x9 standard Sudoku grids, positioned at four corners and the center. The objective is to fill the grid with numbers 1~9, satisfying the standard Sudoku rules in each of the five independent regions.Killer Sudoku: Builds upon the standard Sudoku rules with an additional twist of killer cages (as indicated by dashed lines in the diagram), where the number on the dashed line signifies the sum of the digits within the corresponding cage, and the digits within the cage must be unique.Kendoku (Newdoku/Calcudoku/Mathdoku): Composed of an NxN grid, which is divided into multiple groups by thick lines. Fill in the numbers 1~N, ensuring that no digit is repeated in each row or column. Additionally, the number and arithmetic symbol (+-×÷) located at the top left of each group represent the answer obtained by performing the specified operation on the digits within that group. If no operator is specified, it means this group can use any of the above operators.Jigsaw Sudoku: Consists of irregularly shaped, concave and convex boxes arranged within a 9x9 grid. The objective is to fill the grid with numbers 1~9 such that each row, column, and irregularly shaped box contains no repeating digits.Odd / Even Sudoku: An extension of standard Sudoku rules, incorporates additional circles and squares. Cells with circles must contain odd digits, cells with squares must contain even digits.Compdoku: An extension of standard Sudoku rules, adds symbols such as great than, and the numbers must satisfy the corresponding size relationships.Consecutive Sudoku: Adds barriers between grids based on the standard Sudoku rules, with the difference in numbers between grids on both sides of a barrier being 1, and the difference between two grids without barriers definitely not being 1.Non-consecutive Sudoku: An extension of standard Sudoku rules, requires that the difference between the numbers in adjacent cells is not 1.Touchless Sudoku: An extension of standard Sudoku rules, requires that each number cannot be the same as its eight adjacent cells.Anti-Knight Sudoku: An extension of standard Sudoku rules, requires all cells at a chess knight move (at a distance of 2 by 1) must hold different numbers.Balance Sudoku: Extending standard Sudoku rules by incorporating red balance in the grid, where the sum of the digits on either side of the balance must be equal.3D Sudoku: Constructed by stacking 27 individual 3x3 boxes in a three-dimensional grid, intersected by 6 colored lines (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). The goal is to fill the grid with numbers 1~9, ensuring that each 3x3 box, as well as the 9 cells along each colored line, contain unique, non-repeating digits.
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